Hello and welcome to More Than Just Reviews, my very first website dedicated towards a specific subject. And what is that subject? Anything entertainment related. That means movies, video games, television shows, music, cool things online, and books. But for the most part this site will focus on movies and gaming.
Of course, as the name implies, this place is not just for a simple "I like it" or "I don't like it". There will be no stars, no numbers or percentage scores. I will not be giving "Two Thumbs Up". Well, actually there are a few reasons I won't be giving "Two Thumbs Up":
1. It's probably copyrighted.
2. Seeing as this is online, and I won't be posting any video blogs(or vlogs as the hipsters might call it), it would have to be a hypothetical two thumbs up anyway. Unless for some reason I actually decided to hold up my thumbs while typing on this keyboard.
3. Considering Siskel is dead and Ebert can't speak, I don't even think anybody uses that system anymore.
Anyway, before I digress, back to my original point. Actually, I'll digress once more to inform everyone that I'll be digressing in a lot of my posts, so get used to it.
As I was saying this blog will be more critiques than simply reviews. For instance, I may think a movie is technically good, and not enjoy it all. I may go into my personal experience watching the movie, which may have nothing to do with the quality of the film whatsoever.
Finally, on occasion I might go on rants regarding thoughts I've had about different forms of media. There may be a post on one of the dozens of controversial issues in video games, or where I think the music industry will be in a decade from now.
However, when I do decide to write a film or video game review(which should be the bulk of this site), I'm going to put it into four categories. New Release will be a movie in theaters, or a game that came out in the last few months. Recent Release will be a movie out on DVD or playing on premium cable, or a game for a current generation of consoles. That will be for something that's roughly 1/2-3 years old. Classic will be anything older than a recent release, and Revisited will refer to a movie or game that I've watched or played before.
Obviously, all of these posts reflect my own opinion. Even though I regularly read other entertainment websites, please don't accuse me of plagiarism, because there will be some views I express on this page that no one else would even think about, let alone dare mention. And that is why I hope you will give me the time of day to care about what I have to say, even though there are thousands of other blogs writing about the same things, with even more self-righteous writers.
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